The NCNGA strongly
opposes rushing a strategic decision that will have a negative long-lasting
impact over several decades. They support
House Resolution 3930 (H.R.3930) which will stop the immediate transfer of Apache helicopters out of the NC National
Guard and support creating a National Commission to objectively study a way
forward for the Total Army force structure
The National Guard is the only constitutionally
designated, dual mission, physical Combat Reserve of the Army. In order to fill
its Constitutional role, the National Guard by law must be manned, trained, and
equipped like that of the Active Component Army.
Compared to the Active Component,
a National Guard Armed Reconnaissance Battalion (ARB) is one-third the cost during
with the same operational performance and capability when mobilized and has, on
average, more mature experienced senior and master aviators and maintainers.
Loss of the 1st Attack
Recon Battalion, 130 Aviation Regiment (1-130 ARB), located in Raleigh, NC would lead to significant negative
economic impacts to the state and local area including over 125 Full-Time
Support positions lost (equates to $14,960,913.55 annually), over 450
Traditional Guardsmen assigned to ARB positions (equates to $19,554,317.55
annually), and considerable turmoil, turnover, and additional cost in
retraining and transitioning fully trained, qualified, and experienced personnel.
ARB structure provides
significant domestic operations (DOMOPS) capability in the form of mission
command, mission support, wheeled tactical vehicles, and power generation. The Active
Army’s crooked plan includes stripping the entire National Guard Attack
Helicopter force structure (entire battalions) but not an equitable Lift
helicopter replacement force structure.
Maintaining AH-64 structure in
the Guard allows for reversibility as it takes several years to fully train an
Apache pilot to peak proficiency, and 4-5 years to build a combat capable AH-64
battalion. Combat aviation in the National Guard hedges against future threats
to National Security with National Guard ARBs fulfilling all mobilization
requests and performing equally to active component ARBs over the last 13
years. National Guard combat aviation units provide continued service
opportunities for trained active component personnel leaving active duty prior
to retirement.
The 1-130 ARB has almost 30
years’ experience in AH-64 Apache training, operations, and maintenance, with
national level recognition and awards and a proud list of accomplishments with
multiple mobilizations and combat deployments including Operation Desert
Shield/Storm; Operation Southern Watch, Operation Enduring Freedom, and
Operation Iraqi Freedom.
1-130 ARB is highly trained,
experienced, and capable. Our Soldiers
are motivated and fully qualified, our family support systems are sound, and
our employers continue to be supportive.
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